
2024 - IMCAS

Prevention in medicine:
targets in aging prevention

Anti-Inflammatori Non Tossici
Ricerca & indicazioni cliniche

2023 - WELFAIR


monoterpens : «small
molecules» from pro drugs to metabolites

Non toxic anti-inflammatory «small molecules» : from pro-drugs to metabolites

From Inflammaging to Intrinsic Capacity: a role for terpenoid geroprotectors

2023 - 5CC

Anti-Aging Medicine Masterclass & Nutrition & Lifestyle Connection

2023 - sime

44° Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica

2023 - PDDP

Small molecules form Common Chronic Diseas

2023 - PDDP

The RISTOMED study and the importance of aging biomarkers

Nutraceuticals contribution to healthspan

Small molecules as geroprotectors

2023 - ACE DD

ACE Drug Discovery Summit 2023 – London

Nutraceuticals effect on aging skin

Surprising Ingredients for 2023

Neuroactive potential of the microbiota and its relevance to beauty

Botanicals for skin aging

Anti-inflammatory arsenal 2022

Small molecules for big aging, the discovery of terpenoids as geroprotectors: the particular case of monoterpens

Stress, dysbiosis & «cytokine storm», Covid’s deadly triad

In the arsenal of new anti inflammatory drugs, terpenoids as geroprotectors: 
the case of monoterpens

The impact of Covid-19
on body awareness

The Covid-19 “syndemia” :
at the edge of biology and society 

COVID-19 and stress: Consequences for the periorbital area

Quelques repères sur l’infection au SARS-COV-2 et solutions possibles

SARS-COV-2 hallmarks and possible remedies

Mood disorders accelerate skin aging

AISA can control the inflammatory facet of SASP

Relevance of the GUT-BRAIN AXIS to skin aging

Gut-brain axis in skin aging

2020 – Peripheral brain-skin microbiome dialogue: a challenge for medicine.

2019 – The Gut-brain axis is relevant to skin aging


Ne vous enflammez pas pour un rien


Interview by Femmes Chef d’Entreprise

Presentation and signature of the book “L’inflammation chronique en lien avec le stress et le vieillissement”

Between 2010 and 2020 Pr d’Alessio has been invited speaker and keynote speaker of major international anti-aging conferences, such as AMWC in Monaco (2012-2021), Moscow (RU) 2015 and Taipei (Taiwan) 2019-2021, GSAAM In Munich (D) 2015-2018, 5CC in Barcelona (S) 2016-2021, ICAD in Bangkok (TH) 2019-2021 and last but not least IMCAS in Paris 2018-2022, for more than a hundred lectures and masterclasses at universities such as Denis Diderot Paris 7, DIU Dresden International University and Training Courses at 5CC and webinars at IMCAS.


press release

2016 – Un nouvel anti-inflammatoire qui combat le stress

2016 – AISA Therapeutics recent developments

sens conferences

2013 –Development of AISA in the framework of the international conference of SENS 6 hosted by the Queen’s College in Cambridge. 

2007 – Development of AISA in the framework of the international conference of SENS 3 hosted by the Queen’s College in Cambridge.



In the presence of prestigious speakers of life and human sciences, hosted by the “Istituto di Cultura Italiano” : Hervé This, Luc Montagnier, Emilio del Giudice, Maria Luisa Ganadu, Fabrizia Lanza, Dominique Lestel, Fanco la Cecla…  –  Announcement  – Report